Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Conscious Connected Breathwork?

It’s a breathing practice where you breathe in and out in a continuous, flowing rhythm without pausing. This technique can help release stress, clear your mind, and improve your overall well-being.

2. How is this different from regular breathing?
In regular breathing, you pause between the inhale and exhale. In Conscious Connected Breathwork, there’s no pause—it’s a steady flow of breath that creates a deeper connection with your body and emotions.

3. What happens to my brain during CCB?

During Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB), your brain receives an increased flow of oxygen, which can stimulate areas involved in emotional processing and self-awareness. This altered state of consciousness may quiet your overactive mind, allowing access to deeper emotions and stored memories. It can activate the limbic system, which processes emotions, and temporarily shift your brainwaves to slower, meditative states like theta waves, promoting clarity, release, and a sense of connection.

4. What are the benefits of doing this?

It can help reduce anxiety, release emotional blockages, improve mental clarity, and even increase energy levels. Many people also find it helps them feel more at peace.

5. Do I need any experience to try this?

Not at all! This is a practice open to everyone as long as you do not have any of the contraindications listed below.
A I am 400 hour trained and trauma informed trained facilitator and I will guide you through the process to make it safe and effective.

6. How does it work?By breathing in a specific way, you can access parts of your nervous system and emotions that are usually harder to reach. This helps release stored stress, emotions or tensions in your body.

7. Is it safe for everyone?

While it’s generally safe, CCB does have some contraindications.If you have any of the following conditions please let me know as the connected breath through your mouth will not be safe. You are still welcome to join but breathing through your nose only.


8. What can I expect during a session?

You’ll lie down comfortably, and I will be guiding you through the Breathwork journey fully. I use a customised music set especially for your session which will have an arch like form with a build and a peek and then slowly coming back.You might feel sensations like tingling, warmth, cramping of your hands (tetany) and a lot of times emotions can come up - all of which is perfectly normal.
All your emotions are fully welcomed in this safe space.

9. Why should I use a fully trained facilitator?

Using a fully trained facilitator for Conscious Connected Breathwork is essential to ensure safety, proper technique, and emotional support. Breathwork can bring up intense physical sensations and emotions, and a facilitator is trained to guide you safely, adjust the practice to your needs, and help you process any unexpected reactions like light-headedness or emotional release.
They ensure you're using the correct breathing pattern, maximising the benefits of the practice while creating a safe and supportive space.
Additionally, a trained facilitator can provide guidance after the session to help you reflect on your experience and integrate it into your daily life, making your journey both transformative and secure.

10. How long does a session last?

My sessions last at least 90 minutes, including time for preparation and reflection afterward.

11. Will I feel tired or energized after?

It depends! Some people feel deeply relaxed, while others feel a burst of energy. Either way, you’ll likely feel lighter and more balanced.

12. Do I need any special equipment?

Nope! Just a quiet, comfortable and private space, a mat or blanket to lie on, and perhaps a pillow. Some people like to have water and a journal handy for afterward

.13. Can it help with anxiety or stress?

Yes, many people find it reduces anxiety and stress by calming the nervous system and releasing pent-up emotions or tension.

14. What if I get emotional during a session?

That’s perfectly okay. Breathwork can bring emotions to the surface, and releasing them is part of the healing process. That is why I am fully trained in trauma release and there to support you.

15. How often should I do breathwork?

It depends on your goals. Some people practice weekly, others monthly, or as needed. I can help you decide what works best for you.

16. Is it like meditation?

It’s similar in that it helps quiet your mind and connect with yourself, but instead of sitting still, you actively use your breath to create changes in your body and mind.